How to Choose Jewelry Based on Your Skin Tone
A lot of questions I get asked revolve around skin tone, how can I tell? which metal would look better? Which gemstone would look better? Well, I'm here to finally answer these for you!
How can I tell my skin tone?
The easiest method to checking out your skin tone revolves around the veins in your wrist. If your veins are blue/purple, you have a cool skin tone. If green, you're warm toned. If it's hard to tell, you probably lean neutral.
People with cool skin tones have blue, red or pink undertones and tend to burn pretty easily. They look best wearing jewel toned colors of blue, purple and emerald greens as well as burgundy, magenta and blush pinks. I'm cool skin toned, and I look like a lobster if I even try to tan.
People with warm skin tones usually have gold, olive or yellow undertones and tan very easily. They look great in more earthy colors, warmer red, orange, yellow and olive green.
Neutral skin toned folks can wear all the colors and still look amazing.
Which metal works best for my skin tone?
Cool tones look best in silver, platinum or white gold.
Warm tones look best in yellow or rose gold.
Neutral can wear them all.
What gemstones should I choose?
Cool: Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Ruby, Rose Quartz, Garnet, Emerald, Sapphire, Aquamarine, Aqua Chalcedony, Labradorite
Warm: Turquoise, Peridot, Citrine, Chrysoprase
Goes with either: Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Moonstone, Opal