♥Helps with: relieving stress, soothing irritability, balancing emotions, opening intuition and enhancing psychic abilities
♥ Chosen at Random
♥ Gemstone: Amethyst
♥ Shape: mini heart
♥ Size: 1"
♥ Grade: 1st/A
♥ Chakras: Third Eye and Crown Chakra
♥ Origin: Madagascar
For legal reasons, any statements made in my shop about the healing/metaphysical properties of crystals has not been approved by the FDA. I am not promising they can cure any illnesses or ailments and they should not be used in place of seeking medical treatment. These descriptions were taken from some crystal books I have and shared with you in hopes you love learning about their lore. I love crystals, love learning about them and love sharing what I've learned. Mother Nature is truly magical.